Solar Armidale Project

Home | News | Resources | Contact: solarm[at]3sc[dot]net

Sun Rise

This information is for reference only. No funding is available yet for the project.

The Solar Armidale Project is a community-based project being organised by the Armidale Environment Coalition, an umbrella organisation of environment groups and individuals in Armidale. Member groups include: Armidale Air Quality Group, Armidale Tree Group, Citizens Wildlife Corridors, CycleSafe, The Environment Centre, and Greening Australia (Armidale).

The aims of the project are:

Why Use Solar Space Heating?


Project Outline

Solar Space Heater Demonstration


Web tour of solar homes

Poster/Logo Design Competition

Home | Introduction | News | Resources
Solar Heating | Energy Efficiency | Renewable Energy | Solar Retrofit

Page created on Thursday, 9 August 2001.

Created by  Solar Armidale Project. Contact: solarm[at]3sc[dot]net