July 2003 Unfortunately we haven't been successful in obtaining any funding for this project. Hopefully you will find the information in our web pages interesting and useful anyway.
Sustainable Ingenuity is working on a project with the Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems at Australian National University to develop their space heating system to include solar water heating and solar cell technology. For more information contact CSES
The University of South Australia's Sustainable Energy Centre has also been developing a roof-integrated solar space heating and cooling system. For more details see Clean Heat - as simple as sunshine
22 July 2002 Press ReleaseSome good news. A couple of months ago Sustainable Ingenuity offerred to install a demonstration solar heater for evaluation over the winter in Armidale. Last week the Sustainable team arrived and were very busy installing the heater in the Minimbah Aboriginal primary/pre-school. Moreover, they also arranged a deal to install a second heater in one of the University Flats. We wish them well with the project, and hope to get some good data on how well they perform in Armidale.
May 2002 Received a reply from the Vice Chancellor stating that the University could not support the expenditure of University funds on the project, since the Greening Australia building was to be transferred from the University to Council control later this year. However, the V-C said that the University is supporting the use of more environmentally sustainable building design, including solar and other sustainable heating systems, in future developments.
April 2002 Reworked project proposal and submitted it to
the State Premier's Office for consideration, thanks to Richard Torbay. Also sent a
copy to the Vice-Chancellor at the University of New England, and Armidale Dumaresq
Council, to seek support for the project, and specifically for a joint evaluation
project at the Greening
Australia's Armidale Office. This building has a good Northerly alignment, but a poor
passive solar design, and appears ideal for the retrofit project.
A copy was also
given to the University Masterplan consultant for general information.
January 2002 Finally received word from Environmental
Trust, that our grant application was unsuccessful. They had 79 applications requesting
support of $3,578,338, and approved grants costing $564,517.
The Greenhouse Office are apparently not interested in funding small projects
like this one, but there is a possibility of funding by the Cities for
Climate Protection program through the local council. SEDA also will only fund
large-scale commercial projects.
Any suggestions?
October 2001 Finished preliminary web-site outline.
As you can see, there's plenty of material available which we can use to prepare
information brocures, etc. I made a start on some local information, i.e. Solar
Radiation data for Armidale, and a Sun Position calculator.
The main local content will deal with the installation and demonstration of the
solar heaters, and the 'web tour' of local projects and activities. So any photos/info of
current solar applications would be appreciated.
Also a photo(s) of sunrise/sunset over Armidale would be good.
August 2001 Received acknowledgement of project proposal. Decision won't be made until after meeting in December.
16 July 2001 Project proposal completed and submitted to Environmental Trust.
2 June 2002 To celebrate World Environment Day, the Environment Centre organised a tour of energy efficient buildings in Armidale, including the Council owned passive solar designed house 'Allunga', which also features a geothermal heat pump. ('Allunga' is an Aboriginal word meaning 'sun'). We also visited an owner built mud-brick home with a 5-star energy rating.
26 May 2002 Armidale Tree Group's Woodland Centre officially opened - includes a sun-room which circulates warm air through to the Centre's main area.
June 25 2003 Clean Heat - as simple as sunshine
14 - 20 June 2003 Solar Energy For A Sustainable Future ISES 2003 Solar World Congress, Goteborg, Sweden
May 2003 Wind power costs could equal traditional generation
1 May 2003 National Capital develops cutting edge solar technology
13 July 2002 Switching on to Solar Broadcast on ABC Radio National Earthbeat program
25 April 2002 Universities adopt renewable energy - in Pennsylvannia, U.S.
19 April 2002 Australia's Greenhouse gas emissions skyrocket No they don't!
March 12 2002 "I look to Australia to be the world leader in solar energy" - David Suzuki
28 February 2002 Living in a solar realm - interesting news item about Thailand Solar Energy Park
8 January 2002 New fund to help Councils reduce greenhouse gases
25 Nov - 2 Dec 2001 ISES 2001 Solar World Congress was held in Adelaide, South Australia
8 November 2001 The Promise of Solar - Greenpeace report (U.S.)
October 31, 2001 Solar Comes to Australian Capital School
September 8, 2001 Solar Ponds venture in Pyramid Hill, Victoria featured on ABC's Landline
September 3, 2001 UK Solar Energy Group encourages residents and schools to install solar water heaters.
August 28, 2001 New Zealand Government to spend $1.2 million improving household energy efficiency
July 18, 2001 Solar energy encouraged for new Australian homes
July 9, 2001 Germany Embraces The Sun
May 8, 2001 Solar-power businesses scramble to keep up with demand (U.S.)
May 5, 2001 U.K. Government calls on developers to take part in two £3 million solar power trials
May 2, 2001 Plan for 100,000 Solar Homes in Britain
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