Further Information

Particles in lungs



Sydney bushfire smoke

melbourne smoke

brisbane air pollution

smog in sydney

traffic pollution



Health Effects

PubMed LogoPubMed , a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
Search PubMed - this will open a new browser window and use the search facility at the PubMed website.

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The "Annotated Bibliography on Acute Respiratory Infections and Indoor Air Pollution," by D. Kammen, G. Wahhaj, and M.Y. Yiadom is now available via the EHP web site at: http://www.crosslink.net/~ehp/aribib2.htm

Smoke - the killer in the kitchen Indoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries

Wood stoves and increased greenhouse gases. About cooking stoves, but worth reading.

Air Pollution

Energy Efficiency / Alternative Energy

Armidale Weather Reports

A logical approach to Daylight Saving Time  could make the evenings brigher and warmer in September, thus reducing the
need for wood heating and also reducing  road accidents.

Interested in reducing other forms of pollution - eg transport? Encourage bicycles! - Bicycle Federation of Australia


Wikipedia is a good reference source for definitions of terms relating to air pollution.
Some useful terms are:-
Ames Test; mutagenic; carcinogenic; particulate; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; benzopyrene; PM10, PM2.5;

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