Health Effects
- Harvard School of Public Health Latest research on health effects of air pollution
, a service of the National Library of Medicine,
includes over 15 million citations for biomedical articles back to the
1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science
journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text
articles and other related resources.
Search PubMed - this will open a new browser window and use the search
facility at the PubMed website.
- Launceston Air Quality Website
- CABRA Raising Community Awareness about the health effects of Burning wood in Residential Areas - South East Queensland group.
- Environment Canterbury Air Quality in Christchurch New Zealand - "80% of the polluted air we breathe is estimated to come from solid fuel burning for home heating."
- Australian
Lung Foundation
Woodsmoke and Your Health - The Burning Issues - Wood fires and breathing problems - Better Health Victoria website
- Burning Issues A U.S. Group dedicated to reducing woodsmoke pollution. They have a bibliography of more than 300 scientific papers on the subject, fact sheets, a slide show and many other interesting items.
- American Lung
Association has information on how
your lungs work, and the effects
of air pollution.
Why is woodburning an air pollution problem?
'Good neighbours don't smoke' - U.S. EPA Northwest Center for Particulate Air Pollution and Health
- Dangers from Woodsmoke (includes video link - interview with Jane Koenig)
The "Annotated Bibliography on Acute Respiratory Infections and Indoor Air Pollution," by D. Kammen, G. Wahhaj, and M.Y. Yiadom is now available via the EHP web site at:
Smoke - the killer in the kitchen Indoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries
Wood stoves and increased greenhouse gases. About cooking stoves, but worth reading.
Air Pollution
- National Pollutant Inventory - Australia's national database of pollutant emissions
- Victoria EPA Air Quality
- Port Phillip region air emissions inventory (Victoria)
- Air Pollution - An Insidious and Pervasive Component of Cardiac Risk - Editorial in Circulation 2002
- Coal and wood smoke cause heart disease and cancer (U.K.)
- European Union can save up to €161 billion a year by reducing air-pollution deaths - WHO press release April 2005 | BBC News report | Air pollution causes 310,000 premature deaths in Europe each year
- Air pollution (particles) can damage the lungs of children even before birth
- Scientific Facts on Air pollution - Particulate Matter, Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide (
- DEFRA, UK - Environmental Protection - Air Quality
- How clean is your air? (Guardian Special Report - U.K.)
- U.K. Smoke Control Areas - information about the U.K. Clean Air Act and Smoke Control areas
- London smog 1952 - BBC News story
- Air Sickness: How microscopic dust particles cause subtle but serious harm
Energy Efficiency / Alternative Energy
- Australian Alternative Technology Association
- Australian Greenhouse Office
- Energy and the Environment Links to sites on all aspects of energy and energy efficiency.
- International Solar Energy Society
- Solar Heating Information
- T3E
- Solar Attic Heat Transfer System
- Solar Floor Heating
- DIY Solar Heater
logical approach to Daylight Saving Time could make
evenings brigher and warmer in September, thus reducing the
need for wood heating and also reducing road
in reducing other forms of pollution - eg
transport? Encourage bicycles!
- Bicycle Federation of Australia
Wikipedia is a good reference source for definitions of terms
relating to air pollution.
Some useful terms are:-
Ames Test;
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon;
PM10, PM2.5;
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